Black Lives Matter - in memory of George Floyd

George Floyd’s brutal murder by US policemen has deeply affected all of us. Our hearts go out to his loved ones and we hope that the protests that his death has inspired will help with their grief as we will remember him forever. We hope that their trauma passes.

We grew up learning about Malcolm X and Martin Luther King are old enough to remember watching the brutal murder of Rodney King by the police and all those that came after. It feels as though nothing has changed. Colin Kaepernick took the knee exactly to raise this issue and the NFL destroyed his career. Now the NFL joins other brands and famous people with their weak platitudes.

RIP George Floyd

Here at Pop London we are proud of our ethical business practices from the day we existed. But we can do more and we will strive to do so. We will protest, write to our MPs, call out racism, support Black men and women not just with words but with our money, we will join campaigns to seek justice for the deaths of Black people like Breonna Taylor (USA) and Sheku Bayoh (Scotland) and campaign to end police brutality. We are sure you are doing the same and we look forward to an end to racism in our lifetime.

Black Lives Matter.


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