One, two, glee! How to get your roses to bloom to impress

Fresh flowers brighten our mood but if you love roses as I do, how do you make the most of them?

I love having a fresh bouquet of flowers at home and at our boutique. I don’t always buy roses but when I do I become obsessed for a while and eventually move on to a different flower as a palate cleanser. I’m going to share a quick hack which many people don’t know to get the most joy from your roses.

  1. Everyone knows to cut the ends of roses diagonally so that they can drink water to stay fresh and also to remove most of the leaves from the stems as they can rot in the water and crowd the vase.

  2. In a counter-intuitive move, the next step is to remove the outer layer of petals around the rose. Psychologically quite painful to do especially as they’re so pretty and perfect but you might notice some of them are a little tougher. The outer layer of petals are ‘guard’ petals and once you remove them your roses will eventually bloom, each petal pushing the rose head into a round power puff of beauty.

    If you do this last step your roses, whether from a florist or the supermarket, will bloom to perfection.



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