The Terror - watch it now

This series on Amazon had all the ingredients for something I would flick past - a period drama, yes, but it’s all about men and they are stuck in the Arctic. I don’t like feeling cold on screen in the middle of a freezing cold summer when we have to stick the heating on! Add in another unlikely bromance between two white guys and I am rolling my eyes out of here.

However, I loved this series. The frustration of class affecting key decision-making. The absolute horror of ships being stuck in ice and the depleting resources. The mythical terror outside. Ridley Scott is involved so the production is slick and believable. I felt claustrophobic, always uneasy and fearful of what was coming next. The story is fascinating and so different from anything I have seen before. Every actor’s performance from captains to ship boy is incredible.

My only criticism is some of the stereotyping was a little hard to stomach, we have an alcoholic Irishman, a conniving trickster gay man, incompetent leaders who are born into wealth and position (hello, Brexit).

It’s a definite recommendation from me and any series that makes me want to read the book is always a good thing. Although I might save it for winter when I don’t mind feeling so cold.



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