Escaping planet Earth...for a little while

Science fiction is, for me, the simplest and fastest way to find escapism. This is true even in good times but these days reading scifi feels like taking a repeat prescription to forget 2020.

My two favourite scifi authors are Ursula Le Guin and Philip K Dick. Both authors have several accolades and several of their books are super. Ursula Le Guin is a world builder, her stories unfold carefully and thoughtfully opening our imaginations to the planets and societies we find ourselves on. Her ideas about gender, materialism, families and friendship are deep and I’m left pondering and thinking about them long after I have read the last pages and moved on. Several of Philip K Dick’s books have been made into Hollywood movies. Many of his books revolve arund a more dystopian Earth and warped human nature. As is usually the case, the books are far better than the movies. His writing is nuanced, the subject matter extensive and pushing boundaries about human nature.

Do let us know your favourites so that we can read them too!


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Nobel Prize in Chemistry awarded for gene editing discovery