For the Covid deniers and those who have to listen to them

Sadly we all seem to have at least one person from amongst friends and family who, in spite of their intelligence, are convinced Covid-19 is a conspiracy.

The top claims I have heard include:

  1. COVID-19 is just like flu

  2. The World Economic Forum 2030 plan is being enacted to re-work the world order

  3. The number of deaths is exaggerated

  4. Masks are harmful and can make you ill

  5. The pandemic was predicted in The Simpsons

It is really quite exasperating. Every question as to their beliefs leads to a more bewildering string of incomprehensible words and sentences.

I mentioned at the beginning that these people in my life are intelligent. They are also kind and thoughtful, however, something about the pandemic seems to have triggered them. I heard on the radio that conspiracy theory believers can be rather narcissistic and have a heightened sense of intelligence relative to others. That they really know what’s going on. I think perhaps they have experienced personal incidents that have led them to mistrust authority and therefore push back.

I came across this Star Talk video on YouTube and it was both serious in addressing these issues and more around the pandemic but also funny and left me feeling less alone dealing with these people. For my friends, I have tried explaining that it is in fact antisocial and their behaviour can lead to harming others and finally I have to socially distance myself from them if they will not follow health guidelines.

I hope it helps!


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