How to make your perfume last longer

Perfume is a great way to add a personal touch to your daily routine and complete your outfit. However, it can be frustrating when the scent doesn't seem to last very long. If you want your perfume to have a longer-lasting effect, there are a few simple tricks you can try.

Moisturise your skin before applying perfume. Dry skin doesn't hold scent as well as hydrated skin, so applying a moisturiser before spritzing on your perfume can help it last longer, some experts even recommend humble vaseline as the base moisturiser as it also won’t interfere with your scent.

Apply perfume to pulse points. The pulse points on your body, such as your wrists, neck, and inner elbows, generate heat which helps to release the scent of your perfume. Applying perfume to these areas will help the scent last longer. As an added touch, dab a little on to your clothes or scarf.

Layer your scent. Perfume can be layered with other products, such as body lotion or oil, to help the scent last longer. Choose products that have a similar scent to your perfume for best results.

Store your perfume properly. Keep your perfume in a cool, dark place to help preserve the scent. Exposure to heat and light can break down the fragrant oils in perfume, making the scent less potent.

Finally, buy good quality perfumes. Instead of mass produced commercial perfumes, find little profumeria apothecaries when you’re on holiday in places, such as Florence or the Middle East (some even have branches in London, lucky us!) where they won’t scrimp on quality ingredients and you won’t smell like a department store.

By following these tips, you can help your perfume last longer on your skin and enjoy your favourite scent for longer periods of time.


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