Black Lives Matter: Selma

Black Lives Matter. Educating ourselves to be anti-racist and life long learning are ways to further racial equality. Being of South Asian heritage we know all to well what both subtle and overt racism looks like, however, there is no doubt that Black people suffer from the most extreme forms of systemic, cultural and overt racism.

Award winning director, Ava DuVernay’s movie Selma about the civil rights march led by Dr Martin Luther King Jr is a good place to start to learn about the generational struggle for Black people’s equality in the USA. The chilling resonance with today is that the USA is in election year and there have been accusations of vote blocking and actions taken to make voting more difficult for citizens in certain districs in the USA.

I particularly loved the brief entry into the story by Malcolm X. Ava DuVernay captured so much emotion and history in a few brief minutes and scenes.

Selma is available to stream on demand from Amazon.


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